Tadhamon Singers were formed in 2018. We are a group of women who sing in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. In 2022 we toured the West Bank and Nazareth, singing in refugee camps, cultural centres, streets and cafes, singing with Palestinians and making lasting connections.
As we travelled, Palestinians kept asking us one thing: “please share our story”.
We remain committed to supporting the struggle for justice and equality for Palestine by engaging in activism in the UK against the injustices of the Israeli Apartheid regime. We do this through performances, song workshops, solidarity actions, small events, online talks and sharing our blog from the trip. We were early members of the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid. Sign up to the Coalition’s newsletter here
♫ Join our ‘Singers for Palestine’ contact list to hear about opportunities to raise your voice in support of Palestine at actions and events. Email tadhamonsingers@gmail.com ♫
♫ “We stand with you”

What’s coming up?

Our Recent Actions
International Women’s Day – Sheffield
8th March 2025

Tadhamon Singers were honoured to play a full part in Sheffield’s International Women’s Day events. Many of our singers participated in walks from different parts of the city, commemorating the Great March of Return in Palestine. These converged on the Peace Gardens where a moving vigil was held and testaments to the women of Palestine were delivered.
We sang ‘We Will Not Be Silent’, including Diane’s poem ‘Women of Palestine’ and ‘Kuluna Ghaza’ (We Are All Gaza). After a minute’s silence and reflection, Chrystine Moon led us all in a rousing rendition of ‘You Can’t Kill the Spirit’ before we marched to the Broomhall Centre for delicious food, a fascinating live link with extraordinarily brave women from Gaza and the West Bank. We were inspired and moved by the testimony of Dr Rana Sobeh, Dunya al Amal Ismail and Itimad Abuward. Our contribution to this lovely evening was to sing a welcome song at the beginning “Asalaam Aleykum‘ then to round the evening off with two final songs.
A wonderful day recognising the strength, courage and resilience of the women of Palestine.
Barnsley – We Stand With You Presentation
17th January 2025
Tadhamon premiered our new performance, We Stand With You, in St George’s Church, Barnsley, where we were given a warm welcome by our hosts Barnsley Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

The evening started off with some moving solidarity songs, written and performed by Rachel Munoz
Aware of the silencing and biased reporting in the mainstream Western media, we were keen to use our updated performance to give voice to Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank, talking of their feelings about the current situation. Our songs reflected our anger at the ‘Broken Moral Compass’ of the UK government’s support of Israel as the genocide in Gaza and increasingly violent occupation of the West Bank continues and at the attempts by the British government to shut down our peaceful protests in support of the Palestinian people.
The evening was rounded of by the sale of delicious cakes provided by Barnsley PSC and , and the many beautiful craft items made by our host, the indefatigable Marie. The event raised £374 for the Gaza Relief Fund.
One young woman told us afterwards, ”I learned so much more stuff about what’s going there”, and Marie posted on Barnsley PSC Facebook, “The Tadhamon Singers were amazing! Their songs, slides and speeches left us all spellbound! Their message of activism, solidarity and resistance uplifted us all and gave us hope for Palestine”.
Boycott Action – Coca Cola, not in my fridge!!
14th December
More boycott action – this time in Firth Park. A new song written by Janet Wood ‘Anything’s Better then Coca-Cola’ and an ‘Abbey Road’ moment for Tadhamon!
7th December 2024
Some members of Tadhamon Singers paid a visit to Tescos raising their voices in song to persuade customers to boycott Coca Cola whose operation in Israel is situated on stolen Palestinian land.
Amos Trust Tour – Steal All the Flowers
5th December 2024
Tadhamon Singers were honoured to be invited to perform as part of the Amos Trust visit to Sheffield. The presentation from the Amos Trust was a deeply moving ‘Requiem for Gaza’ and included first hand accounts of the on-going horrific genocide in Gaza.
The event also included a powerful discussion with Hala Hanina and Ahmed Alnaouq, the co-founder of We Are Not Numbers, from Gaza and the beautiful music of Saied Silbak.
Tadhamon’s two sets consisted of six songs, including the two below, which we performed for the first time – have a listen!
Big thanks to Graham Wroe for filming and producing the videos. You can see more here
South Yorkshire Raises the Flag for Palestine
29th November 2024 – UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

After many weeks of campaigning, negotiation and advocacy all four South Yorkshire district councils raised the Palestinian flag on 29th November.
Tadhamon Singers sang to mark the occasion in Sheffield and Rotherham. The deeply moving ceremonies marked local support and respect for the Palestinian people who have suffered 76 years of oppression and occupation.
♪ Raise the flag of Palestine, let it fly, freely in the sky ♪
Women’s Scholarship Fund AGM
19th November 2024

The Women’s Scholarship Fund, an established local charity, is rather special to a number of Tadhamon singers who have been involved in the charity since its inception eighteen years ago so we were delighted to be invited to open the AGM with a special selection of their songs.
Ably led by Carolyn Leary and Leni Solinger. our set of of four songs was chosen to reflect the current situation in Palestine, especially the devastation that is happening because of the genocide in Gaza and the sorrow and anger that we feel. We opened with ‘Kuluna Ghaza’ (We are all Gaza) written by Janet Wood, our musical director. This is our love song to all the people who live there and are showing remarkable resilience despite being displaced multiple times and now living in the freezing depths of winter in tents that are rapidly being destroyed by the weather as well as the Israeli army.
‘We Will Not Be Silenced’, by Ali Burns and represents our anger at what is happening to the people of Palestine. Tadhamon Singers are determined to continue to tell the Palestinian story loud and clear without being intimidated by those who try to silence voices speaking up for Palestine.
‘Oh Palestine’, by American folk singer Seth Staton Watkins tells the history of the land of Palestine in the last 77 years and pledges support for the people of Palestine to be free.
‘I Stand With You’ again written by Janet Wood, is a beautiful song reflecting the horror of the ongoing oppression and violence experienced by Palestinians and expresses our solidarity with them.
The meeting was very well attended and included representatives of some of the groups who also raise money for the Fund from other areas of Yorkshire and Derbyshire. The audience were very moved by our performance, some were reduced to tears and one person said to us afterwards that “Listening to you sing makes me feel stronger.”
We were followed by a very moving talk by Mona Al Farra, who shared her inspirational vision for continuing education for the women of Gaza in the most horrendous circumstances. She spoke of some of the students being supported by the Fund who had been killed during this last year and how all the universities and schools have been completely destroyed. Yet these young women will not be defeated and they are exploring ways that their education can be completed online and how the practical assessments needed for some of the degrees can be pursued. Sara Gowan, the long time secretary of the Fund, read some of the personal stories written by students in both Gaza and the West Bank telling of how difficult they found it being transferred to online teaching and not being able to meet with their fellow students. These also moved not only some of the listeners but also Sara to tears!
Shut Elbit Down – Shenstone
15th November 2024
Tadhamon joined a coach-load of people from Sheffield to add our voices to the monthly protest outside the Israeli owned Elbit Systems UAV weapons factory in Shenstone. It is here that engines are made for the military drones that fly continually over the skies of Gaza, which are used for surveillance and attacks, and linked to documented war crimes. The Sheffield contingent included the XR Sheffield Five Rivers Rising samba band, whose compulsive rhythms added vigour to the lively protest of about 300 people. Once again the factory had been closed for the day in anticipation of the action.
Tadhamon sang at the factory gates, handing out song sheets and encouraging people to join in with us, and then sang again on the coach going home. In these increasingly dark times it feels so important to add the power of song to our protests as we fight to Shut Elbit Down.

♪ Elbit you’ve got blood on your hands
Elbit systems you can’t hide
We charge you with genocide ♪
Mandla Mandela Speaks Out Against Israeli Apartheid
10th October 2024

The Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid was excited at the prospect of welcoming Mandla Mandela, South African tribal chief and grandson of Nelson Mandela, for the first night of his UK speaking tour in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Tadhamon felt honoured to join forces with two other choirs, the Sheffield Socialist Choir and SOSA Xa! to start the evening off with a couple of songs. However, on the very morning of the event the news came through that Mandla had been refused entry to the UK by British officials and could not attend in person, but by means of some lightning fast technical wizardry the meeting was able to go ahead with Mandla appearing via a zoom link.
The large hall at SADACCA (Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association) was packed to capacity with a very diverse audience keen to hear Mandla speak. Like his grandfather Nelson Mandela, he has long been vocal in his support for Palestine, and the South African government has taken a leading role in the international condemnation of the Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. Mandla spoke passionately and knowledgably, emphasising South Africa’s commitment to the Palestinian cause, particularly in the light of its own history of apartheid.
Our first song, ‘Siyabonga South Africa’, was written by Penny Stone to thank South Africa for its unwavering support of Palestine. Our second song ‘We will not be silenced’ by Ali Burns, felt doubly appropriate, given the triumph of holding this historic meeting despite the attempt of the British government to stop Mandla’s voice being heard.
South Yorkshire Pensions Protest
12th September 2024

The recent protest at the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority (12th September) brought people from Barnsley, Sheffield, Doncaster and Rotherham together at the quarterly meeting at the Barnsley HQ to demand that they
Stop supporting the arms trade
Stop investing in companies arming Israel
End complicity with Israeli genocide and apartheid
Tadhamon members sang songs focussed on these demands and encouraged others to join in. This was a good example of a situation where we can really help make an impact. We brought energy and creativity to a relatively small protest – which was much more effective than if there had only been people chanting. It was great to learn that those attending the meeting could hear our message clearly, including the CEO of Border to Coast the investment company which handles the pensions funds.
Mohammed from Rotherham – “Thank you for singing. It really had an impact on the people inside and I really liked the Bella Ciao rendition.”
Bella Ciao – South Yorkshire Pensions – WE DEMAND DIVESTMENT NOW
Small Park Big Run
21st – 22nd June 2024

On 23rd June, Tadhamon sang at the Small Park Big Run, an annual fundraising event and celebration of Palestinian culture and resilience held in Meersbrook Park, Sheffield, supporting women’s education and children’s health and play in Palestine. Spanning twenty-four hours from noon Saturday to noon on Sunday, participants are invited to run or walk laps of the park for as long as they are able.
The organisers described the event this year as “an inspiring mix of celebration and anger; joy and sadness” on the theme of Land and Food, with 551 registered runners, talks, a solidarity supper, lantern procession, and a Palestinian breakfast. Tadhamon was one of 12 choirs and bands playing around the route to encourage the runners.
Parallel runs are usually organised by our friends in Gaza and the West Bank. We didn’t expect that there would be a run in Gaza this year and were really moved and inspired to receive photos and videos of children running through the rubble carrying their flags. Such amazing spirit!
For the closing ceremony, a live link to Gaza wasn’t possible this year, but we were able to link with Ramallah in the West Bank. After a speech of solidarity by the Deputy Lord Mayor, we joined a massed choir of hundreds for a rendering of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, singing with all our hearts and sending our love and solidarity across the miles in this darkest of years.

Street Choirs Festival
7th – 9th June 2024

From 7th to 9th June the 40th Annual Street Choirs Festival filled Sheffield with music. Tadhamon was one of 45 choirs from around the country, with over 1,000 singers participating in this joyful event. Hosted this year by three local choirs, Sheffield Socialist Choir, Carfield Community Choir and Out Aloud, the theme for the weekend was ‘one song, one dance, one world, one chance’. The words were taken from a song written by Cynthia Cockburn, political activist, academic, writer and member of the London choir Raised Voices for the first climate demo in 2005.

Busking choirs regaled passers-by all around the city centre on the Saturday morning, before all 1,000 singers joined together to sing songs of community, freedom and harmony in a mighty mass choir in the Peace Gardens. Tadhamon sang together with the Sheffield Socialist Choir for our performance spot in the big Saturday night concert, combining our voices to sing for Palestine. On the Sunday morning we were delighted to run two well attended workshops, teaching songs of solidarity with the Palestinian people together with San Ghanny, the Edinburgh based solidarity Palestine solidarity choir which had inspired us to form Tadhamon Singers. A wonderful weekend, which really demonstrated the power of song in our troubled world.

Tadhamon Performance: “We Stand With You”
at Christchurch, Pitsmoor, Sheffield
24th February 2024
More than 150 people turned out on a cold February evening to attend our latest performance of ‘We Stand With You’. The audience listened intently as we gave some of the latest news of people we met on our visit to the West Bank. We updated our audience on the campaigns we had attended during 2023 such as protests against Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit and highlighting the involvement of Barclays Bank who financially support companies like Elbit.
Locally there has been a surge of activity in visiting shops and supermarkets and asking them not to stock Israeli dates grown on Palestinian land in the Jordan valley and also CocaCola which is produced in a factory in one of the oldest and largest colonies/settlements in the West Bank. We sang songs which we had sung at all of these protests and events.
Five of the songs we sang this evening had been written by Janet Wood, our amazing Choir Director. There was a special moment towards the end of the performance as we were singing the penultimate song, ‘I Stand With You’, when the audience themselves stood up, en masse, in solidarity. We sing this song from our hearts to the hearts of Palestinians everywhere but currently we are thinking so much of all the people in Gaza whose bodies are succumbing to the diseases which have begun circulating, emaciated from hunger and with nowhere to shelter. Singing it is always a challenge but this was so unexpected that we almost stopped singing. By the time we had sung our final song, ‘Kuluna Ghaza’ (We are all Gaza) we were wiping away a tear or two.
Following the performance everyone tucked in to the delicious Palestinian food cooked by Musheir El Farra, Chair of Sheffield PSC and from Khan Younis in Gaza. Thanks to the generosity of our audience more than £2500 was raised to send to the Emergency Relief Fund being administered by Sheffield PSC and run by volunteers on the ground around Khan Younis.
if you are interested in hosting our presentation, get in touch through our contact form
Dec 2023 Amos Trust Event
December 23
♪ “My Name is Palestine and I will survive”

Join us at one of our upcoming events to learn more about the lives of Palestinians, and the apartheid they live under. Or get in touch to organise an event with us for your community.