On Thursday morning we managed to fit in two joyful singing sessions with children in Sebastia. First stop was a kindergarten not far from the guest house, funded by Save The Children USA, and full of excited children in traditional Palestinian dress, taking part in a cultural day. As ever we had a warm welcome from the teacher, helpers and parents (some parents stay with children who need extra reassurance to feel safe given the awful things they see and hear). After an uncertain start (having 15 foreign adult guests must have been overwhelming!), the children joined in with our songs and singing games, waving flags, and smiling broadly. We then listened as they enthusiastically sang to us.
We proceeded straight on to the town library where another group of children, this time from the ages of 6 to 11, sang with us and to us. For our Marhaba (hello) song the staff/vols found us percussion instruments so as we went around the room the children could add a sound, a move or a shaker.
Baktub Ismik Ya B’ladi, a popular Palestinian song about love for their country, was a big hit, as was an Arabic version of Throw, Catch by South African composer Skura, in which imaginary balls are thrown between two sides (you had to be there…)
The staff in both sessions were really warm and demonstrably loving towards children who cannot help but be affected by the traumatic events a few miles away. It was a profound honour to be able to provide a little respite from the tension, Tadhamon style.